Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

Here is a comparison, the first picture is last year, the second this year.  See how they grow!


Kyle and Kat said...

Wow! what a difference a year makes. They grow so fast don't they.

The Jackson Three said...

Wow that is a great comparison!! However I tell them all the time and it doesn't seem to make a difference....stop growing up!! It just makes me feel older and older. Just kidding of course, Lindsay just watch out before you blink you will be sending Madden out the door for that first day of school, then what in the world will you do with all your time during the day??

Kim said...

I think maybe Nicole has been playing with my computer in my absence....were you wondering why the jackson three made a comment and then signed the name at the bottom 'kim'?
Now you have to decide who really made that last comment...sounds more like a grandma kind of comment doesn't it?
kim (again)

The Marsden 6 said...

What a cute group of kids, we sure love them!!! I love that Max and Madden both have their backpacks on, too cute!

The Jackson Three said...

Mom apparently stole my identity! But it is a great pic, and I love that Max is all dressed up and has his backpack on!

Reynolds said...

Bailey's bag looks bigger than she does in both pictures:) They are so cute!