Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Boo Hoo :(

My Mom is so great! She came and stayed with us for 10 days!!!
It wasn't long enough, I don't know what to do without her!
Here are just some of the things she did for us while she was here...

Helped with Madden's foot...
helped Bailey rearranged her room...
colored our hair...
cooked and cleaned up every meal...
loved on baby Grant...
gave Randy a break from the hospital...
helped with Max's Halloween party...
gave Grant his first bath, and several more after the first...
and of course we did some crafty projects, and she made baby blankets!!
These are only the things I got pictures of
She is amazing and I want her to come back!!!!


The Jackson Three said...

She is the best - and it always sucks when she leaves. But you can do it!

The Marsden 6 said...

You do have a GREAT Mom! So glad you could have her come, kinda makes me want a baby just so I can have that kind of time with my own Mom !

Monica said...

she really is amazing! Glad she could come and stay for a bit! Love the craft project too!

Kim said...

It was so dang fun...I really have had a hard time returning to day -to- day reality at my own house...it just isn't as much fun! Don't get me wrong, I love my house and my hubby tons...but they don't compare to new babies!
Love and miss you guys!