Thursday, April 1, 2010

Max's Big Wrestling Day

Max has been busy with wrestling practice and it was finally time for the big tournment! He was so excited, he could hardly contain himself! He had to wait until 3:00 for it to start! (I finally gave him a container of clorox wipes and told him to go clean all the doors:))
This is how his over-protective family watched, sitting right on the mat, as close as we could
The little guy in action...

Bailey made these posters to cheer him on, she is so sweet!
He did a great job and had a fun day!
When he was going to bed he asked if we would get him a singlet for next year, funny!

If you are a wrestling fan, please stop reading now!

I just hate wrestling, I am sorry..
I really tried to get into it for Max, but it is just...
I don't know what!
I hate to see my child trying to hurt someone else, or getting hurt by someone else!
I hate his little face when he is being held down and he looks over at me with pleading eyes for help!
I hate to hear the parents yell to knock my kid down!
It is just not natural to want to fight like that(I grew up with sisters)
Someone help me come to terms with wrestling, because I just don't like it!


bryan and megan said...

I know exactly how ya feel!!! Wyatt wrestled last year. He did really good, but he HATES is when someone is on top of him and he can't get away. He just crys. Made me feel so bad that I couldn't do anything for him!! Though he did love it when he was the one on top doing the pinning!!! ;)

Willis Family said...

I am not a huge fan of wrestling either, so it will be tough for me if Teagan wants to do it are a good mom for letting him choose what he wants, but I don't have any good advice on how to deal with it! He does look happy and super cute!

The Marsden 6 said...

You know how I feel :) But it was so cute how excited he was about all of it...

Kathy said...

Besides it will ruin his ears!

Kim said...

I can't help you come to terms...sorry!
I feel exactly the same way you do about wrestling!
It is sick and wrong to dress like that or to hurt anyone else...whew I feel better....
That being said I am his biggest cheerleader!
Next to his family of course
Way to go Max!
Love you

5moonbeams4us said...

Jacob loves wrestling and I HATE to watch him. He is really good, but I hate seeing him beat on some other person's son (or daughters in some cases, which is just so wrong on so many levels).

Autumn said...

Grants little bald head is so cute. I love bald baby heads.
Agree about wrestling like everyone else. I guess I won't bring up the sport to my boys unless they mention it!

Monica said...

Totally agree with you Linds!!
I was looking at the blog with Macy & Abby and they both said "Why does Max want to wrestle??"

That would be too hard to watch little Maxey -

Wrestling is for scrawney little boys who need to release some serious energy!