Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Spring! 
We have been waiting anxiously for this day!!
We hope you all see the sun shining today!


The Jackson Three said...

We are also excited for spring....even though it was SNOWING in NYC this morning. Yuck!

And I have the 2nd book (Sarah's quilt) if you want me to bring it to moms in a few weeks.

Kim said...

I actually had the top down on the car all week felt so good!! So you can imagine how excited I was when it started snowing last night. It has been such a long, long, winter....should be used to that in Utah huh? and yet somehow every single year Spring does not really ever come soon enough!
Can't wait for some good weather!!!
Mom has my second book Lindsay I will try to get it back to bring when I see you this weekend...sorry!
Love you

Julie said...

Megan! I found your blog through Autumns blog! It's Julie (Johnson) Newton from the 4th ward in Orem. It's great to see how you and your family are doing! :)