I actually have a lot to blog about! It has been our busiest week of the summer. All 4 kids have been in swimming lessons. We go to the pool at 9am each morning with toys and lunch packed and camp out until everyone is done at noon. 2 of the days we had to go back for open swim because they hadn't had enough. They have all had so much fun and done extremely well! I was gearing up for Friday all week as being a really really busy day with a lot going on and barely enough time to get to it all(have you had days like that?) Well, Randy was home all day and came along for the ride, thank goodness! We were in between Bridger's and Madden's lesson when Madden got into the pool, he was the only one. Bridger teacher came over to tell us everything he accomplished. I looked up and there was Madden under water over his head! What is a mom to do but jump in and grab him, even though the teacher was standing by my side in her swimsuit!!! Madden was fine and ready to get right back in, that's the good news. The bad news is I had my cell phone in my pocket and my camera around my neck! Neither have worked since! Maybe that is why I am up at 2:30 blogging about it! Any ideas on drying out an iphone would be helpful!
After that fiasco we headed to the doctor for our ultrasound!!! We got the news we have been anxiuosly awaiting! We are having a boy!!! We are so excited (and Bailey is doing pretty well)! Now it is time to get serious about getting ready for our new addition (ok, maybe that will have to wait until school starts).
Also through the course of our strange day we made a quick appearance at a family reunion,a ward picnic, a baby shower, and a special birthday! We also got 2 sets of bad news from 2 good friends who we will be praying for!
Just typing all of this made me tired, maybe I can go back to sleep now!
Good Night (i hope)